Hi I’m Je! Short for Jess. You didn’t think a nickname would have a nickname, did you? I was Je way before Kanye was Ye. 😀
“My philosophy is simple: Live More, on Less.”
I have consciously tried to simplify my life over the past many years. This has meant letting go of some indulgences and choosing a more minimalist lifestyle. That is, own only what I truly need and take from planet out of necessity not greed.
A change was necessary.
This site is a big part of that.
On Green Living
Climate change is not new. It is a natural phenomenon that has always affected us and our history. It had a part to play in Stone Age innovations, early migrations, and fall of civilizations due to severe drought. However, what we see today and what has built up over the last hundred years is of our own making. We are contributing to the end of our planet.
But we can do our bit to reduce our carbon footprint. We can travel smart. Use alternative appliances or methods over popular ones that may be burdening the environment. Grow our own indoor herb garden. Buy clothes that are of timeless fashion and last, which brings down your contribution to the landfill.
I have been incorporating this lifestyle for a while now, and I have found it immensely gratifying.
You’ll love My Wellness Me if any of this resonates with you.
On Health & Beauty
Back in what is now becoming the swirling mists of time, I spent almost a decade and a half in full-time leadership hiring, working on mandates to “gain clients” and “close positions,” and attained impressive titles like “Senior Manager,” “Engagement Manager,” “General Manager.” I was stressed, tired, overwhelmed, eating unhealthy.
I started looking for ways to strengthen and rejuvenate myself and gain control of my life. I needed this badly. How badly you ask? *checking thesaurus for the appropriate adjective* Well, I don’t know, very very? 😛
We all want to live healthy. But so often we take to unhealthy habits and lifestyles, letting ourselves go because of no time, too much time, too old, too young, too many gremlins, out of gremlins.
The excuses never stop.
And the world does not make things easier. The terms diet and wellness and lifestyle are constantly thrown at us, in a bid to tug into our emotions and ultimately our wallets. It took me years to realize that you can achieve all of these by choosing wisely, being frugal, restoring gut health, going green, and living slow.
And once I did, the results were remarkable. I quit cigarettes, cold turkey; our home was cleaner, greener and happier; and health issues like blood pressure and sugar fluctuations seemed nothing more than a bad dream.
Have I succeeded on this little green and sustainable mission
I am well on the way to… and I want to share this journey with you.
My primary motivation for starting this website is the gratification that comes from researching, reading, writing, gathering and offering credible intel on all things healthy and eco-friendly for a diverse, intelligent and active audience. And in the process I have found more freedom.
I have learned that living a sustainable life require sacrifices. But are they really sacrifices? The personal choice has made me happier and healthier and saved me quite a bit of money. And I’ve learnt many things along the way, like making my own chemical-free home cleaning products or using coffee to make face scrubs or designing a home in a way to make it more sustainable. It’s been fun and rewarding and I want the same for you.
Welcome to My Wellness Me!
Whether you need sustainability and eco-friendly ideas, recipes, gardening tips, or herbal remedies–there’s something here for you.
This website is dedicated to giving you friendly and practical tips that make life a little bit easier, simpler and healthier. At the heart of the website is green living and the core themes are Lifestyle, Health, Beauty and Opinions.
My one wish for those who stumble upon this little space is that they find something that adds a little value to their lives and sets them towards a happier and a more sustainable existence.
Don’t forget to sign up for email subscription so you get the latest news and are eligible for giveaways.
Keep visiting.
With lots of love,
Q: Any quote that summarizes your thoughts on wellness?
Funny you should ask.
“Don’t allow the pride, ego and insecurities of others stunt your growth.” ― Yvonne Pierre, The Day My Soul Cried: A Memoir
Q: How old is this site?
This is a very new website. I started in July 2019, and I am all about growing my audience organically. Currently Feedspot ranks my website in their Top 75 Sustainable Living Blogs. I hope to grow more.

Q: Are you going to quit your day job for this website?
Some days I’d love to. Not sure if I really want to. Ask me again in a few years.
Q: These questions are not really asked frequently. Aren’t you being a bit ….whimsical?
Okayyy, what do you want to know? 🙂
Q: What are your education qualifications?
I have studied Botany, Business Management as well as Food & Nutrition.
Q: How often do you post?
Once every ten days. Hopefully I will be able to do once a week very soon.
Q: Do you accept guest posts?
Guest bloggers are welcome to contribute as long as your topics have a green bent on lifestyle, health or beauty.